The Alliance is involved in a variety of projects and actions that contribute to protecting Wakulla Spring.

Research Projects

  • Nitrogen Contributions of Karst Seepage into the Upper Floridan Aquifer from Sinking Streams and Sinking Lakes in the Wakulla Springshed: Funded with a grant from Fish and Wildlife Foundation of Florida, this study, completed by McGlynn Laboratories under contract with the Alliance, revises estimates of total nitrogen loadings to Wakulla Springs and the Upper Wakulla River for sinking water bodies based on evaluating flows and water quality data for sinking streams and sinking lakes which were not included in the 2014 Nitrogen Source Inventory Loading Tool (NSILT) study.
  • Wakulla Spring Dark Water: Causes and Sources: A three-phase projected completed by McGlynn Laboratories under contract with the Alliance with funding from the Fish and Wildlife Foundation of Florida. The final report for Phase I was published in November 2019. The final report for Phases II and III is expected in summer 2020.

Resource Protection and Restoration

Spring Flow Protection: The Alliance is providing input to the Northwest Florida Water Management District’s initiative to adopt Minimum Flows and Levels (MFL) standards for Wakulla Spring and the Wakulla River.

Water Quality Protection and Restoration: 

Septic System Management:  

  • Alliance members played key roles in persuading the Leon County Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency to advance fund the Leon County Comprehensive Wastewater Treatment Facilities Plan. The plan will evaluate wastewater management alternatives to traditional septic systems, also known as onsite sewage treatment and disposal systems (OSTDS), in order to reduce nitrogen entering the groundwater which flows to Wakulla Springs. The Alliance provided input on the scope of work for the plan and will provide comments during forthcoming public participation sessions for the project scheduled for May and September 2020.
  • The Alliance also is monitoring development of the Wakulla County Wastewater Treatment Feasibility Plan.

Spring Cave Protection: 

  • The Alliance opposed the FDEP proposal to permit recreational cave diving in Wakulla Spring so as to protect the archeological, scenic, and natural resource values of the spring.
  • The Alliance also has regularly supported state efforts to acquire property to protect sensitive karst features that intersect the cave system that flows to Wakulla Springs.

Land Use Planning: The Alliance petitioned the Wakulla County Commission to retain the boundaries of the Wakulla Spring Protection Zone.

Public Education

Brochures and Pamphlets:

Tours: The Alliance sponsors tours of the Wakulla Spring Basin to educate the residents of the springshed and encourage them to support protection of the waters flowing to the spring. 

Special Events:  The Alliance provides a booth with basin maps and brochures to inform residents about Wakulla Spring and the Alliance.

Videos:  The Alliance has produced a seven-minute video “Following the Water to Wakulla Spring” to inform local citizens about the route that water flows across the landscape to Wakulla Spring.

Presentations:  Alliance members provide presentations to organizations and the public about protecting and restoring Wakulla Spring.